What Else To Do To Improve Your Work Rate

What Else To Do To Improve Your Work Rate

What Else To Do To Improve Your Work Rate

Good nutrition is great for an athlete, but hard work in the gym and taking supplements is also essential for improving an athlete’s capabilities. The question still lingers, is this all there is to do, or can an athlete do any other things to get even better? Are there any more supplements one can employ to ensure the most productive sessions during workouts? The good news is that things do not end with diet, workout and supplements; there are other things that can be suggested. Below are a number of suggestions to be taken together with the diet, workout and supplements.

Protein powder blends

The most recommended ones should contain fast-digesting whey protein hydrolysates and isolates along with proteins from sources such as milk that digest slowly. Some powder blends also include egg protein, also known as casein, that is known to be high in biological value. These increase the amount of amino acids in the body, which helps the body not to pull all aminos from the system during exercise, and at the same time have more building blocks to grow.

Research has shown that protein blends raise the levels of amino acids and protein synthesis better than a supplement with whey protein only. Protein blends should be used along with BCAAs supplements to ensure that the body gets sufficient amino acids.


Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body. Technically, most people consider it to be a non-essential although some experts refer to it as a conditional essential amino acid. During times when the body is subjected to intense stress such as weight lifting or illness, it tends to need a lot of glutamine, which it may not be able to supply by itself.

A supplement with glutamine will help the body deal with the deficit needed for the cells to operate normally. A good protein diet can help you meet the glutamine needs for the better part. But look at it this way, glutamine is the major source of fuel for the immune system and it is stored in the muscles.

Evidently, during hard tasks the body releases glutamine into the blood stream, which can reduce its count in the muscles by up to half. This can promote muscle breakdown. Louisiana State University School of Medicine scientists made a discovery that there was a higher blood level of bicarbonate, which is responsible for preventing the blood from becoming too acidic, when subjects took two grams of glutamine one and a half hours after intake.

In simpler terms, glutamine reduces the burn caused by lactic acid accumulation, hence helping you train for longer. The British Journal of Sports Medicine published  research results showing football players showing lower levels of ammonia in the blood stream during prolonged and intense exercises after taking glutamine. Ammonia is acidic in nature; it is produced when amino acids are burned to produce energy. If it builds up in the body, it causes fatigue.

Other studies show that taking a glutamine supplement can raise your rate of metabolism. It also shapes your abs and keeps muscles from breaking down. Glutamine supplement improves muscle recovery after intense activity, and raises a suppressed immune system that is caused by intense training.

Citrulline malate

As the name suggests, citrulline malate is a combination of the amino acid citrulline and malic acid. This will reduce your rate of fatigue and improve your energy production by up to 35 percent. In the body, citrulline is reduced to arginine, which is reduced to nitric oxide to help improve blood flow in the body. It also helps in the elimination of the fatigue-causing ammonia from the body.


Electrolytes are the salts that are responsible for carrying signals from one cell to another. They are also responsible for regulating contraction of nerve cells and muscles. They aid in the balance of fluids within and around the cells. When you sweat, you do not just lose water but electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and chloride. A drop of electrolytes to a very low level means the cells will not be able to communicate better, hence the need of a supplement.

To conclude, the basic thing to do to achieve a great work rate is to eat well, workout and take BCAAs supplements. But for an athlete, this is not enough. Protein blends, electrolyte supplements, citrulline malate and glutamine supplements can reduce fatigue and slow down muscle breakdown during intense training.