What Are Good Peptides For Menopause?
As women age they will deal with the inevitable: Menopause. It can be a stressful time as your body changes. Good news is this though: You can use peptides to help offset the changes and keep feeling like YOURSELF.
Age is just a number. You can feel 20 years younger.
We'll go over exactly how to do this in just a second, but first let's cover some of the symptoms and issues with the process.

What are the Symptoms Of Menopause?
Menopause usually starts in women between the ages of 45 and 58. Most of the symptoms are caused by a decrease in hormone production of estrogen and progesterone.
Common symptoms and negative effects include:
Irritability and decreased energy.
Changes in skin health: Dry skin, oily aging skin, or adult acne
Discomfort during sex
Shrinking pituitary gland which lead to lower levels or hormones
Loss of libido
Challenges sleeping
Overall sense of sadness
Night sweats
Hot flashes
Weight gain and lack of energy
Slow metabolism
Decrease in bone health (Osteoporosis)
Increased risk of cardiovascular issues
Menopause has a negative connotation in society and many women feel it marks the process of declining health.
The truth is, there are peptide therapies and anti-aging amino acids that can decrease symptoms and have you feeling great.
In fact, many post menopausal women have reported having better overall health after these treatments. Peptide therapy has even shown to keep STEM cells from aging according to the NIH.

Improving Estrogen Levels And Human Growth Hormone
When menopause starts and estrogen levels decrease, the amount of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) decreases as well. Research has shown that estrogen levels and HGH are closely linked.
Low levels of HGH are associated with a decrease of muscle mass and increase in body fat.
While HGH therapy has shown to help with human growth hormone levels, there is a far more effective treatment.
Peptide therapy.
Peptide therapy works in healing cells by reducing peptide deficiency. Peptide supplements mimic natural peptides found in the body. They have the ability to stimulate repair of the protein synthesis function in organs.
This research has been well documented for multiple organs within the endocrine and central nervous system. Peptide therapy has shown better results than hormone therapy and slow hormone releasing treatment.

Peptide Bioregulators vs. Amino Acids
While the benefits of amino acids are known, they have one large problem: They are not easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract.
Meaning that these amino acids that promise things from improved libido to weight loss are unable to be absorbed. And people don't get the benefits.
This is why we are seeing the explosion of peptide injections and peptide therapy. STEM cell therapy is built around this peptide protein process in the body. While STEM cell treatments are excellent, they are expensive and require invasive therapy.
This is why peptide bio-regulators are rapidly gaining popularity. You are able to take the anti aging peptides specifically designed for each organ in the body. These building blocks are able to repair tissue and restore body function.
Peptide Bio-regulator Combinations For Menopause
The natural peptide combinations for premenopausal women are a 6 month intense course of Zhenoluten combined with alternating months of Thyreogen and Glandokort. (This combination is effective as well as for post menopausal women).
This combination was developed by Dr. Audrey Mickel.
This is the best peptide combination for dealing with menopause. Zhenoluten is the ovary peptide bioregulator. A 60 pack of Zhenoluten should be taken each month for 6 months.
Zhenoluten should be combined with Thyreogen in month one and Glandokort in month two. This cycle should be repeated for the next 4 months.
So women should take 6 total peptide packs of Zhenoluten, and 3 each of Thyreogen as well as Glandokort.

Results from Taking Peptide Bioregulators
The peptide therapy developed by Dr. Mickel has shown significant results for women struggling with sex drive, weight gain, and other signs of menopause.
The peptides help create higher levels of estrogen and HGH hormones. It also restores the many functions of the overal health. There is a regulation of LH and FSH created by the pituitary gland.
Many women report increased energy levels and positive effects in mental and sexual health. This helps aid in weight loss combined with improved bone density and muscle mass. Maintaining adequate muscle as we age is key, as muscle burns fat and keeps hormones balanced.
Another key benefit is improved collagen production which helps wrinkles and makes it easier to build muscle and maintain good overall health.

Age is just a number. Peptide therapy right now is the darling of the anti-aging industry. It is relatively inexpensive and doesn't require an injection. Peptide therapy for menopause has shown that it may be more effective than HGH therapy.
This is due to the ability of peptides to increase hormones and improve production naturally. The use of peptide bioregulator packs makes it easier than peptide injections and other hormone therapy.
Other peptides with growth hormone releasing factors like Sermorelin are effective, but treatment requires multiple injections for patients. This is the case for most peptides.
Medical science shows Peptide Bioregulators are more effective than other proteins and amino acids to stimulate HGH production. Increased HGH is key to weight loss, ability to build muscle, and reduce fat cells around the midsection.
As this becomes more accepted as a treatment, we will see continued healing from chronic issues with hormones. We will see it more common to maintain great sexual health in later decades of life.